Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics

149+ Best Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics

Wanna explore creative Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics? Always struggling to find the perfect idea? Throughout history, humankind has always needed nurture and care. 

Now, in contemporary times, the task that was previously carried out by mothers, mostly on instinct, has become a profession. This career calls for meticulous studies of the human body and mind, ensuring the all-around wellness of individuals is no longer overlooked.

To become a nurse, you must pass by writing a nursing school research paper. The greatest challenge you will face many times. That is also the case in picking either qualitative or quantitative nursing research topics. 

Apart from this, knowing where to start will make your life a lot easier, which is why we will compile a list of engaging and innovative research topics for nursing students.

We hope that one of the nursing school research topics listed below will lighten your path and help you choose what best suits you. Dive in and discover the fascinating world of evidence-based practice nursing research.

What is EBP?

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) blends the best research, clinical skills, and patient preferences to make informed healthcare decisions.

Components of EBP

  • Best Evidence: Quality research like trials and reviews.
  • Clinical Expertise: Skills and experience of the provider.
  • Patient Values: The patient’s preferences and needs.

The EBP Process

  1. Ask: Formulate a clear question.
  2. Acquire: Gather relevant evidence.
  3. Appraise: Assess the evidence’s quality.
  4. Apply: Combine evidence with expertise and patient values.
  5. Assess: Check the outcomes of the intervention.

These steps help improve patient care and outcomes.

Good Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics PDF

Here are the following Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics for students:

Importance of EBP in Nursing

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is vital in nursing for several reasons:

  • Better Patient Outcomes: Uses top evidence for improved care.
  • Cost-Effective: Optimizes resource use.
  • Professional Growth: Encourages ongoing learning.
  • Reduces Risk: Minimizes errors with clear guidelines.
  • Patient-Centered: Includes patient values in decisions.
  • Confident Decision-Making: Builds clinical confidence.

EBP leads to higher care quality, increased patient satisfaction, and better efficiency.

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Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics

Check out evidence-based practice nursing research topics:-

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement

  1. Nurse staffing ratios and patient falls.
  2. Early mobility for post-op recovery.
  3. Simulation training for safety.
  4. Hand hygiene and infection rates.
  5. Alarm fatigue in ICUs.
  6. Medication administration accuracy.
  7. Surgical site infection prevention.
  8. Patient identification errors.
  9. Teamwork and medical errors.
  10. Safety culture interventions.

Chronic Disease Management

  1. Self-management in heart failure.
  2. Nurse-led diabetes education.
  3. Medication adherence in asthma.
  4. Lifestyle changes for diabetes.
  5. Home monitoring for COPD.
  6. Telemedicine for chronic conditions.
  7. Integrated care for multiple conditions.
  8. Patient-centered kidney disease care.
  9. Behavioral interventions for obesity.
  10. Health coaching for chronic disease.

Mental Health and Well-being

  1. Mindfulness for nurse burnout.
  2. Social support in pain management.
  3. Sleep deprivation effects in ICU.
  4. CBT for anxiety in hospitals.
  5. Depression treatment in primary care.
  6. Stress management for healthcare workers.
  7. Peer support in mental health recovery.
  8. Family involvement in mental health.
  9. Efficacy of psychotropic medications.
  10. PTSD management in veterans.

Technology and Nursing

  1. Telehealth for chronic conditions.
  2. Electronic health records and care.
  3. Simulation-based learning.
  4. Wearable tech for patient monitoring.
  5. AI in decision support.
  6. Virtual reality for pain relief.
  7. Mobile health apps.
  8. Online patient portals.
  9. Robotic-assisted surgery.
  10. Cybersecurity in healthcare tech.

Gerontological Nursing

  1. Delirium prevention in older adults.
  2. Caregiver burden and elderly health.
  3. Fall prevention in nursing homes.
  4. Chronic condition management in elderly.
  5. Geriatric assessment tools.
  6. Pain management in dementia.
  7. Quality of life for frail elderly.
  8. Polypharmacy management.
  9. Social isolation in older adults.
  10. End-of-life care improvements.

Infection Control

  1. Hand hygiene practices.
  2. Antibiotic stewardship.
  3. Antiseptic protocols in surgery.
  4. Isolation precautions and infections.
  5. Environmental cleaning and infection.
  6. Vaccination for healthcare workers.
  7. CLABSI prevention bundles.
  8. MDRO management.
  9. CAUTI prevention.
  10. Infection control education.

Pain Management

  1. Non-pharmacological pain relief.
  2. Opioid-sparing strategies.
  3. Patient-controlled analgesia.
  4. Complementary pain therapies.
  5. Pain management and patient satisfaction.
  6. Pain assessment tools.
  7. Chronic pain in cancer patients.
  8. Postoperative pain management.
  9. Multidisciplinary pain programs.
  10. Impact of pain management on quality of life.

Wound Care

  1. Advanced dressings and healing.
  2. Negative pressure wound therapy.
  3. Chronic wound management.
  4. Nutrition and wound healing.
  5. Wound debridement methods.
  6. Diabetic foot ulcer management.
  7. Antimicrobial agents in wound care.
  8. Pressure ulcer prevention.
  9. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
  10. Wound care training programs.

Pediatric Nursing

  1. Pain management in children.
  2. Family-centered pediatric care.
  3. Pediatric asthma management.
  4. Childhood immunization effectiveness.
  5. Managing childhood obesity.
  6. Role of play therapy.
  7. Pediatric treatment adherence.
  8. Developmental screening impact.
  9. Chronic conditions in children.
  10. Managing childhood infections.

Nursing Education

  1. EBP in nursing curricula.
  2. Faculty development in EBP.
  3. Student attitudes toward EBP.
  4. EBP and simulation in education.
  5. Online learning effectiveness.
  6. Clinical skills training.
  7. Mentoring nursing students.
  8. Interprofessional education impact.
  9. Evidence-based teaching strategies.
  10. Learning outcomes assessment.

Medical-Surgical Nursing

  1. Early mobilization outcomes.
  2. Wound care interventions.
  3. Ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention.
  4. Chronic pain management in older adults.
  5. Clinical pathways in surgery.
  6. Preoperative education effectiveness.
  7. Postoperative nausea management.
  8. Discharge planning and readmissions.
  9. Surgical site infection management.
  10. Multidisciplinary care in medical-surgical settings.

Critical Care Nursing

  1. Early goal-directed therapy for sepsis.
  2. Ventilator bundle outcomes.
  3. Pain management in ICU.
  4. Nutrition support in ICU.
  5. Sedation protocols in ICU.
  6. Delirium management in ICU.
  7. Family-centered ICU care.
  8. Remote monitoring technology.
  9. ARDS management strategies.
  10. Post-ICU follow-up programs.

Maternal-Child Nursing

  1. Breastfeeding support strategies.
  2. Preterm birth prevention.
  3. Infant sleep safety and SIDS.
  4. Adolescent pregnancy care.
  5. Prenatal care impact.
  6. Gestational diabetes management.
  7. Role of doulas in delivery.
  8. Postpartum depression screening.
  9. Childhood immunization effectiveness.
  10. Neonatal abstinence syndrome management.

Mental Health Nursing

  1. Depression screening in primary care.
  2. Anxiety management in hospitals.
  3. PTSD treatment and support.
  4. Suicide prevention strategies.
  5. CBT for mood disorders.
  6. Trauma-informed care impact.
  7. Bipolar disorder management.
  8. Pharmacotherapy vs. psychotherapy for anxiety.
  9. Schizophrenia management.
  10. Mental health crisis intervention.

Hospice and Palliative Care

  1. Pain and symptom management.
  2. Communication in end-of-life care.
  3. Family support and bereavement.
  4. Advance care planning.
  5. Palliative care team impact.
  6. End-stage disease symptom management.
  7. Ethical considerations in palliative care.
  8. Hospice care satisfaction.
  9. Spiritual care in palliative settings.
  10. Complex symptom management strategies.

Healthcare Systems

  1. EBP in rural healthcare settings.
  2. EBP and patient safety culture.
  3. Nurse leaders’ role in EBP.
  4. Cost-effectiveness of EBP.
  5. Overcoming EBP adoption barriers.
  6. EBP and quality metrics.
  7. Sustainability of EBP initiatives.
  8. Interdisciplinary EBP teams.
  9. Patient engagement in EBP.
  10. EBP training programs for staff.
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The role of research in EBP

Research is crucial for Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). Here’s how it helps:

  • New Knowledge: Provides fresh insights into healthcare.
  • Evaluates Practices: Checks how well current treatments work.
  • Informs Guidelines: Shapes best practices.
  • Improves Outcomes: Finds effective treatments for better care.
  • Drives Innovation: Leads to new technologies and methods.

Different research types, like trials and reviews, help determine what works best in practice.

Barriers to EBP implementation

Implementing Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) can be tough due to:

Individual-Level Barriers

  • Skills Gaps: Difficulty in using evidence.
  • Time Limits: Busy schedules.
  • Resistance: Reluctance to change.
  • Lack of Motivation: Few incentives.

Organizational-Level Barriers

  • Limited Support: Lack of resources or leadership.
  • Culture: Not prioritizing EBP.
  • Poor Infrastructure: Limited access to tech or info.
  • Financial Limits: Tight budgets.

System-Level Barriers

  • No Reimbursement: No financial incentives.
  • Limited Research: Insufficient evidence for some areas.
  • Conflicting Guidelines: Mixed recommendations.
  • Policy Issues: Regulations that hinder EBP.

Addressing these challenges needs education, training, support, and organizational change.

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Strategies to overcome EBP barriers

To overcome barriers to EBP, use these strategies:


  • Training: Offer EBP education.
  • Mentorship: Pair with experienced mentors.
  • Incentives: Reward EBP use.
  • Time: Allocate time for EBP.


  • Leadership: Support a culture of EBP.
  • Resources: Provide necessary tools and support.
  • Champions: Support EBP advocates.
  • Policies: Create EBP-friendly policies.


  • Partnerships: Collaborate with research institutions.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Apply research findings to practice.
  • IT: Use electronic records and support systems.
  • Policy: Align policies with EBP.

These steps help integrate EBP into daily practice effectively.

EBP in Different Nursing Specialties

EBP is vital across all nursing areas:

Medical-Surgical Nursing

  • Wound Care: Best practices for wounds.
  • Pain Management: Effective pain relief.
  • Infection Prevention: Guidelines for hygiene and infection control.

Critical Care Nursing

  • Ventilator Management: Optimal settings for patients.
  • Sepsis Management: Early treatment protocols.
  • Medication: Safe dosing practices.

Maternal-Child Nursing

  • Breastfeeding: Support strategies.
  • Infant Care: Safe sleep and newborn care.
  • Maternal and Fetal Health: Monitoring and interventions.

Mental Health Nursing

  • Depression: Effective treatments.
  • Anxiety: Management strategies.
  • Substance Abuse: Recovery interventions.

Gerontological Nursing

  • Chronic Disease: Best practices for older adults.
  • Fall Prevention: Reducing fall risk.
  • Dementia Care: Evidence-based approaches.

Applying EBP improves patient outcomes and advances nursing.

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Key Areas for Evidence-Based Nursing Research

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in Nursing: Research Areas

Patient Care

  • Chronic Diseases: Managing diabetes, heart failure, pain.
  • Medication Use: Safe and effective practices.
  • Wound Care: Best healing practices.
  • Pain Relief: Effective strategies.
  • Infection Prevention: Reducing infections.

Nursing Education

  • EBP in Curriculum: Integrating EBP.
  • Faculty Skills: Enhancing EBP knowledge.
  • Student Attitudes: Assessing EBP views.

Healthcare Systems

  • EBP Adoption: Implementation strategies.
  • Patient Outcomes: EBP impact.
  • Cost Savings: Economic benefits.

Nursing Leadership

  • Promoting EBP: Leadership roles.
  • Supportive Culture: Creating environments.
  • Quality Improvement: Enhancing care.

These focus areas help advance nursing knowledge and improve patient care.

Emerging Trends and Topics in Evidence-Based Nursing Research

Healthcare is evolving, and nursing research is leading the way. Key trends include:

Emerging Trends

  • Precision Health: Tailored patient care.
  • Big Data: Better decisions with large datasets.
  • Tech Integration: AI, robotics, VR in nursing.
  • Global Health: Reducing disparities, improving care.
  • Patient-Centered Research: Focus on patient experiences.

Research Topics

  • AI in early disease detection.
  • Telehealth’s effect on outcomes.
  • Culturally competent care.
  • Mindfulness for nurse burnout.
  • Wearable tech for patient monitoring.

Exploring these trends helps advance nursing and improve patient care.

Research Methodology for EBP

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) integrates the best evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. Key methodologies include:

Research Methods

  • Systematic Reviews: Comprehensive literature searches.
  • RCTs: Gold standard for interventions.
  • Cohort Studies: Follow groups over time.
  • Case-Control Studies: Compare patients with and without conditions.
  • Qualitative Research: Explore patient experiences.


  • Heterogeneity: Diverse studies and outcomes.
  • Quality: Ensuring reliable findings.
  • Transferability: Applying evidence to specific patients.


  • Appraisal Tools: Assess study quality.
  • Collaboration: Interdisciplinary teamwork.
  • Dissemination: Share findings with healthcare providers.

Using these methods helps nurses improve patient care through EBP.

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Dissemination and Implementation of EBP

Dissemination and Implementation of EBP


  • Educational Programs: Training and workshops.
  • Publications: Research articles.
  • Online Platforms: Websites and social media.
  • Professional Networks: Collaborations with organizations.
  • Media Outreach: Engaging media for awareness.


  • Change Management: Managing resistance and support.
  • Pilot Testing: Small-scale trials.
  • Audit and Feedback: Monitoring and feedback.
  • Sustainability: Ensuring long-term use.
  • Evaluation: Assessing impact on care.


  • Overcoming Barriers: Time, resources, and knowledge.
  • Supportive Environment: Creating a culture for EBP.
  • Engaging Stakeholders: Involving all key players.

Effective dissemination and implementation enhance patient care and optimize resources.

How to Choose a Research Topic in Evidence-Based Practice

Selecting a Research Topic for EBP

Identify Your Interest and Expertise

  • Personal Interest: Choose a topic you are passionate about.
  • Clinical Experience: Focus on areas with observed care gaps.
  • Knowledge Base: Build on what you already know.

Conduct a Literature Review

  • Research Gaps: Look for areas needing more study.
  • Current Trends: Stay updated with the latest developments.
  • Theoretical Frameworks: Understand relevant theories and concepts.

Define a Clear Research Question

  • Specificity: Clearly define the problem or question.
  • Relevance: Ensure the question contributes to the field.
  • Feasibility: Assess available resources and time.

Consider the Impact

  • Patient Outcomes: Will it improve patient care?
  • Clinical Practice: Can findings enhance nursing practice?
  • Policy Implications: Will it inform healthcare policies?

Seek Guidance

  • Mentorship: Consult experienced researchers or mentors.
  • Collaboration: Work with colleagues to refine ideas.
  • Ethical Considerations: Follow ethical guidelines.

By following these steps, you can select a meaningful EBP topic that advances nursing practice.

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Methods for Conducting Evidence-Based Research

Key Methodologies in Evidence-Based Research

Systematic Reviews

  • Purpose: Combine evidence from multiple studies.
  • Steps: Define question, search, appraise, extract, analyze.

Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)

  • Purpose: Test interventions with random assignment.
  • Steps: Protocol, recruit, randomize, intervene, collect, analyze.

Cohort Studies

  • Purpose: Study exposure-outcome links over time.
  • Steps: Select group, follow over time, collect data.

Case-Control Studies

  • Purpose: Compare those with and without a condition.
  • Steps: Identify cases/controls, collect data, calculate odds.

Qualitative Research

  • Purpose: Understand individual experiences.
  • Steps: Conduct interviews, analyze themes, interpret.

Mixed Methods

  • Purpose: Combine quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Steps: Collect and analyze both data types.

These methods help nurses create evidence to enhance clinical practice and patient care.

Examples of Evidence-Based Nursing Research Topics

Evidence-Based Nursing Research Topics

Patient Safety and Quality

  • Nurse Staffing Ratios: Effect on falls.
  • Early Mobility: Preventing post-op issues.
  • Simulation Training: Enhancing skills and safety.

Chronic Disease

  • Self-Management: Chronic heart failure.
  • Diabetes Education: Nurse-led programs.
  • Medication Adherence: In asthma.

Mental Health

  • Mindfulness: Reducing burnout.
  • Social Support: Managing chronic pain.
  • Sleep Deprivation: Impact in critical care.

Technology and Nursing

  • Telehealth: Managing chronic conditions.
  • Electronic Records: Impact on care.
  • Simulation Learning: For students.

Gerontological Nursing

  • Delirium Prevention: In older adults.
  • Caregiver Burden: Effect on elderly health.
  • Fall Prevention: In nursing homes.

Pick a topic that interests you and fills a research gap.

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Resources for Evidence-Based Practice Research

Key Resources for EBP Research


  • PubMed: Citations from MEDLINE and life sciences.
  • CINAHL: Nursing and allied health literature.
  • Cochrane Library: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
  • Embase: Biomedical and pharmacological literature.

EBP Tools

  • UpToDate: Evidence-based clinical info.
  • NGC: Clinical practice guidelines.
  • JBI: Evidence-based resources.

Other Resources

  • NICE: Healthcare best practices.
  • AHRQ: Improving healthcare quality.
  • WHO: Global health info and recommendations.


  • Use Keywords: Combine terms for precise searches.
  • Apply Filters: Narrow results by date, type, etc.
  • Appraise Critically: Evaluate evidence quality.
  • Synthesize Findings: Merge results from studies.

Utilize these resources and tips for effective EBP research.

Discover the latest and most effective nursing research topics backed by evidence-based practice. Explore trending ideas to enhance patient care and advance the field of nursing.

Tips for Writing EBP Nursing Research Papers

Tips for Writing an EBP Nursing Research Paper


  • Follow Format: Use introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion.
  • Headings: Organize with clear headings.
  • Flow: Ensure smooth transitions.

Evidence Synthesis

  • Appraise: Evaluate evidence quality.
  • Synthesize: Combine findings from studies.
  • Level of Evidence: Indicate evidence strength.

Writing Style

  • Clarity: Use simple language.
  • Citation: Stick to APA or MLA format.
  • Grammar: Check for accuracy.


  • Consent: Address participant rights.
  • Privacy: Protect confidentiality.
  • Integrity: Be honest and transparent.

Sum Up

Picking the right research topic is essential for improving nursing practice. Whether it’s about patient safety, chronic diseases, mental health, or new technologies, focusing on important and relevant issues makes a big difference in care.

By choosing topics that interest you and matter to patients, you help advance nursing and improve outcomes. Using solid research methods and resources ensures your work is useful and impactful.

In the end, evidence-based practice turns research into real improvements in healthcare. With the right topics and tools, nurses can make a positive impact on patient care and the future of nursing.

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